The Role of the Estimative Faculty in the Perception of Films: A Study of the Horror Genre and Expressionist Films Based on the Views of Avicenna

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 PhD Student in Islamic Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor at the Department of philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


The essence of cinema lies in its moving pictures, with the visual aspect holding particular significance. However, the human mind plays a distinct role in both the creation and perception of films. This is why some cinema theorists refer to it as ‘the art of the mind.’ By evoking the viewer's feelings and emotions, a film engages with their mind. Avicenna's perspective highlights that the perception of partial meanings triggers emotional responses in the audience, a function attributed to the estimative faculty within the human soul. In Avicenna's philosophical framework, the soul comprises various faculties, each contributing to the perception of films or the creation of cinematic scenes according to their specific functions. One such influential faculty is the imagination. Nevertheless, Avicenna's psychological insights underscore the vital role of the Estimative Faculty in the perception of films. The estimative faculty, as one of the soul's most crucial faculties, plays a significant role in both the creation and comprehension of films. Its functions include perceiving partial meanings and cognitive errors. As a result, the estimative faculty often prevails over other mental faculties when an audience engages with a film. This article investigates the role of the Estimative Faculty in perceiving partial meanings, cognitive errors, imitation of inner emotions, and rendering partial judgments within the context of cinema. To illustrate the impact of this faculty, we offer a focused analysis of the horror genre and the school of expressionism in this regard.


Main Subjects

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