Mixed Ḥaqīqī-Khārijī Syllogisms: The Productive Moods and Their Conclusions

Document Type : Scholarly Article


Professor at the Department of Logic, Iranian Research Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.


In both of his logical books, Qisṭās al-afkār and its self-commentary Sharḥ al-Qisṭās, Shams al-Dīn Samarqandī presents two versions of mixed ḥaqīqī-khārijī syllogisms. In previous papers, we discussed these two versions and demonstrated that both contain numerous errors. As a result, neither version provides a correct and comprehensive analysis of mixed ḥaqīqī-khārijī syllogisms. In this paper, we aim to present the accurate conclusions of mixed syllogisms. By adhering to the principles accepted by Arabic logicians, including Samarqandī, our version should be beyond objection and can be considered a wholly correct interpretation of mixed ḥaqīqī-khārijī syllogisms. We will examine the khārijī-ḥaqīqī and ḥaqīqī-khārijī mixes separately within each of the four traditional figures of syllogism. We will determine the sterile and productive mood-mixes on a case-by-case basis and elucidate the true conclusions of each productive mood-mix individually. The systematic study of counterexamples for the sterile mood-mixes will be deferred to future research.


Main Subjects

Fallahi, Asadollah. 2021. “Aristotle on Ḥaqīqī and khārijī propositions.” Manṭiqpazhūhī 12, no. 1: 213−34. [In Persian]
Fallahi, Asadollah. 2022a. “Samarqandī on Ḥaqīqī and khārijī propositions.” Manṭiqpazhūhī 13, no. 1: 143−66. [In Persian]
Fallahi, Asadollah. 2022b. “Shams al-Dīn Samarqandī’s Double Version of Exposition of mixed Ḥaqīqī-Khārijī Syllogisms.” Javidan Kherad 41, no. 1: 5−36. [In Persian]
Fallahi, Asadollah. 2022c. “Samarqndi on ḥaqīqī-khārijī mixed syllogisms.” Falsafi wa kalām Islāmī 55, no. 2: 57−81. [In Persian]
Fallahi, Asadollah. 2022d. “A Comparison and Evaluation of Shams al-Dīn Samarqndī’s Double Version of Mixed Ḥaqīqī-Khārijī Syllogisms.” ikmat-e Muʿāīr. 13, no. 2: 57−81. [In Persian]
Fallahi, Asadollah. 2023. “Mixed Ḥaqīqī-Khārijī Syllogisms: the Sterile Moods and the Counter-examples.” Tārīkh-e ʿIlm. 20, no. 2: 133−151. [In Persian]
Samarqandī, Shams  al-Dīn. 2014., Qisās al-afkār, ed. by Necmettin Pehlivan, Istanbul, Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
Samarqandī, Shams  al-Dīn. 2020., Qisās al-afkār, ed. by Asadollah Fallahi, Tehran, Iranian Institute of Philosophy.
Shar al-Qisās.