A Metacognitive Analysis of Action According to Avicennian Philosophy

Document Type : Scholarly Article


Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Hekmat, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


According to Avicennian philosophy, action is based on faculties of perception and movement. Diversity of perceptual faculties and, more importantly, the threefold function of composition, elaboration, and imitation of imaginative power, and the influence of taste, faculties, and schema on the action offer a different face of the "action" issuance process. The main question of the present study is: Based on the metacognitive analysis of action and the inner capacities of Ibn Sina's philosophy, how many processes of action issuance can be counted? The finding results are as the following: 1. Contrary to the common readings of Ibn Sina's philosophy on the issuance of action, it should be said: We do not face a simple process, rather various processes of issuance of action; At least fourteen processes of issuance of "action" have been deduced from the works of Ibn Sina. 2. Contrary to some readings, Ibn Sina discussed the imitation of the imaginative faculty in various works. 3. Forms and meanings lead to the action sometimes before and sometimes after the composition and elaboration. And sometimes the metaphors of form and meaning are the sources of action; 4. There are four types of control over "action" of the faculties of imagination and thought: basic voluntary control, Non-basic immediate voluntary control, Long-term voluntary control, and Indirect voluntary control. It is worth noting that no research has been carried out on the presentation of the fourteen processes of action issuance and the four forms of action.


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