A Research on the Nature of Ethical World in Avicenna's Philosophy


1 Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD student of Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Iran


What is the ethical world in Avicenna's philosophy and how should man's action be to lead to its construction? The nature of the world of plurality is intellectual because it has been caused by God's will through a hierarchy of intellects. Man can also function as the channel of God's will and add rational forms to the world knowing it rationally. Therefore, the condition of moral action for him is rational knowledge of the world, which will lead to the construction of a rational world. If man's knowledge of the world is derived from any epistemological source other than reason, the world and the rules of human action in it are not known properly. Thus, in order to understand Avicenna's ethical world, we should first understand the nature of the world, and then the nature of man's ethical action in it, and finally, define the nature of the ethical world correctly. Accordingly, this research begins with an attempt to understand the nature of the world, and researching the origin of man's moral behavior, seeks to understand the nature of the world constructed by the addition of the forms caused by man's moral behavior.


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