Self-awareness Process According to Avicenna

Document Type : Scholarly Article


Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The quality of the perception of nature has not been analyzed in detail in the works of Avicenna. By analyzing his theoretical principles in the analysis of perception process, it becomes clear that the phenomenon of sense in the stage of the animal soul as the source of knowledge (perception from the senses) and science (perception from reason) is not realized without the passivity of senses from the tangible. Beyond the sense, intellect, or illusion, with the formation of sense perception and imagination, it expressly perceives some obvious evident such as the "differentiation" of objects, and understanding of nature as an attribute of knowledge. Along with the sense perceptions, material and habitual intellects begin the intelligible perception as the first two orders of intellect in interaction with animal soul and through imagination. The material intellect that precedes other orders of intellect, as the first material, is free from any actuality and intelligible form. Therefore, all the perceptions received from imagination are attained for the rational soul at habitual or actual intellect level, and thus the human "self-understanding" is realized as an intelligible scientific perception from itself and beyond the consciousness and understanding of the nature from habitual intellect so far and based on the initial activity of the body and the sensory powers.


Main Subjects

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