Semantic Transition Process of "Existence" (Wojūd) and "Existing" (Mojūd) in Primary Islamic Centuries Until Avicenna's Era

Document Type : Scholarly Article



There is a meaning transition about "Existence" (Wojūd) and "Existing" (Mojūd) in Arabic language. These two terms are derivities from one linguistical origin is named wejdān and in philosophical paradigm both of them were considered only as epistemic idioms to explain the relationship between narrator (as a subject) and outer world. After translation of Greek philosophical works to Arabic language and acceptation it by Muslim Philosophers the meaning of wojud and mojud changed slowly from epistemic to ontologic phase so that they were applied to explain objects by oneselves without their correlation with subject or narrator. In comparison with lexical and literary works befor and after Avicenna's period we discover an important conversion about the previous meaning to new one which was considered as "being from inexistence". After consolidation of Philosophy in Arabic language this new meaning extended quickly in philosophical texts however the previous meaning also is seen beside this new one.


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