the role of persuasion in human intentional actions in Farabie's and Avicennan's view is important in attention to emotional tendency's in audience. active and emotional mode of persuasion cause the consideration of persuasion as the motivation for human intentional action's. the majority of commoners in society and their consequence of appetence in their actions disclose the role of the stimulation in the production of human intentional actions and in emotional mode point the theoretical and actual consequence of affections. Farabie's and Avicennan's specification in the importance of appetence in human actions in psychological cognition in one aspect cause the attention in stimulation (as the internal motivation) and in other aspect provide the affective qualities provide the affairs such as tranquility of the soul requisite field for the production of the human intentional actions. thus the persuasion create stimulation and it is important in tow aspect: 1- in affirmative mode with create the tendency and appetence toward actions 2- in negative aspect with remove the emotional obstacles such as alienation and disinterest of the audience in intentional action's.
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maftouni, N. (2015). the quality of persuasion in human intentional actions in Farabie's and Avicennan's philosophy. Avecinnian Philosophy Journal, 19(54), 115-129. doi: 10.30497/ap.2015.53390
nadia maftouni. "the quality of persuasion in human intentional actions in Farabie's and Avicennan's philosophy". Avecinnian Philosophy Journal, 19, 54, 2015, 115-129. doi: 10.30497/ap.2015.53390
maftouni, N. (2015). 'the quality of persuasion in human intentional actions in Farabie's and Avicennan's philosophy', Avecinnian Philosophy Journal, 19(54), pp. 115-129. doi: 10.30497/ap.2015.53390
maftouni, N. the quality of persuasion in human intentional actions in Farabie's and Avicennan's philosophy. Avecinnian Philosophy Journal, 2015; 19(54): 115-129. doi: 10.30497/ap.2015.53390