Proving of the Causation in Aristotle and Avicenna

Document Type : Scholarly Article


in Avicnna causation is the relationship between caus and effect and this relation is a reality in the foreign world, but it’s being in the outside is not in a way that be Intelligible by the senses or it is not sensible. For him, the concept of causality is the second type of philosophical concepts or categories that is in the outside, but not as a separate entity, independent of instances. So intuitive tool path can never be reached, but the foreign relations of organisms can be discovered this being. in Aristotle philosophy there isn’t any searches about the causation relationship and always this is the cause which is important for the philosopher and make him to searches it’s being in the outside. Which is in the outside and it’s concept is a type of the first concepts is cause, not causation; so causation is not under the substantial or accidental categories, so is not in the outside. so Aristotle try to prove the existence of the causes(for causes) in the outside.


Main Subjects

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